Lambda Technologies Resources
Lambda Technologies Resources section is a well-known source of research and education materials on the understanding, measurement, and control of residual stress.
We have studied materials for over four decades, with more than 150 years of combined experience and 20,000 research programs.

Explore Lambda Technologies Resources
Technical Papers
Lambda has authored hundreds of technical papers on beneficial compressive residual stress and how it can be applied to mitigate failure mechanisms such as metal fatigue, stress corrosion cracking (SCC), pitting fretting, and foreign object damage (FOD), among others.
Case Studies
Learn how Lambda’s patented Low Plasticity Burnishing (LPB®) surface treatment method has been used to apply beneficial, compressive residual stress in applications all around the world.
Diffraction Notes
Diffraction notes detail research and valuable information coming from our materials testing lab, Lambda Research, Inc., part of Lambda Technologies Group.
Lambda Technologies Group fact sheets and educational videos are available here.
Secure Downloads
Available for access to proprietary Lambda Research with appropriate security credentials.