Lambda Research, Inc
Lab Analysis-Measurement Services
Our Laboratory Services specializes in Residual Stress Measurements, Other Types of Measurements & Analysis. Materials testing helps determine if critical components can withstand the load and stress conditions of operations.
With over 200 years of combined experience and more than half a million completed measurements, Lambda is a name people trust.
We are accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditations (A2LA) in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025. We design and develop our own measurement instrumentation, data collection, and data reduction software.
Residual Stress Measurement >
We are the preeminent source of residual stress measurement using X-ray diffraction and mechanical residual stress measurement methods.
Retained Austenite Measurement >
We are the only accredited, independent laboratory using Bragg-Brentano diffractometers in strict adherence to ASTM E975 and SAE
SP-453 specifications.
Phase Analysis >
We offer a broad array of X-ray diffraction and fluorescence testing capabilities in the areas of qualitative and quantitative phase analysis.
Crystallographic Texture
& Orientations >
We have extensive experience determining crystallographic texture or preferred orientation in a wide variety of materials and forms.
Crystallite/Lattice Parameter Measurement >
We use X-ray diffraction to determine crystallite size and microstrain; we determine precise lattice parameters using powdered or solid samples.
Integrity >
We provide comprehensive testing and engineering for the design of surface treatment and machining processes to increase the life of your parts.
Finite Element
& Modal Analysis >
We provide finite element analysis in support of residual stress design and characterization, and modal analysis to determine the natural frequency of components.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) >
We provide an assessment of part and system integrity through the characterization of flaws and defects.
Fatigue Testing >
Fatigue testing plays a critical role in determining component durability and provides the means for designing and optimizing surface treatments.
Lifing Analysis >
We assess the design of critical components subjected to cyclic loading & the fatigue life of the finished part.
Failure Analysis >
We use state-of-the-art equipment and advanced modeling techniques toat provide comprehensive failure analysis.
Learn more about the broad range of laboratory services offered by Lambda Research